Interislander - Cook Strait Ferries

Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust

By supporting the MSRT, we’re helping to eliminate wilding pines that are disrupting biodiversity in the Marlborough Sounds.

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Helping to eliminate wilding pines from the Marlborough Sounds

Interislander has found a natural fit with the Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust (MSRT), an organisation dedicated to protecting the landscape and biodiversity of the Marlborough Sounds. By raising awareness of the wilding pine problem and supporting the MSRT financially, we’re helping to eliminate wilding pines that are displacing native tree species. We want the sounds to stay beautiful for the people who travel on our ferries

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Ruakaka before and after MSRT's project work.

About the Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust

The Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust was established in 2003 to safeguard the natural, cultural and historical richness of the Marlborough Sounds for future generations. Over the years, MSRT has achieved significant milestones, especially in tackling wilding pines and managing feral deer and goats.  Their pioneering wilding pine control programme has gained national acclaim for its effectiveness and innovative approach. In 2021, MSRT earned the prestigious title of Supreme Winner at the Cawthron Marlborough Environment Awards.

“The Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust values its partnership with Interislander, and we appreciate their ongoing support in helping us to protect and restore the Marlborough Sounds. Not only does Interislander contribute financially to help control wilding pines, they also provide a vehicle for us to share our story with passengers, which we hope will inspire and encourage others to care for our natural environment.”
Sally Thomas, Deputy Chair of MSRT

Watch a video about the MSRT’s work in Tory Channel

Find out more about the amazing work the Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust does by visiting their website,