Arapaoa Kiwi Trust
Interislander is backing the Arapaoa Kiwi Trust's goal of bringing kiwi back to Arapaoa Island in the Marlborough Sounds.

Helping to make Arapaoa Island a kiwi haven
Interislander is backing the Arapaoa Kiwi Trust's goal of bringing kiwi back to Arapaoa Island in the Marlborough Sounds. We’re doing our bit to wipe out stoats by helping with funding for traps and cameras, so that the island can become a safe haven for New Zealand’s most famous native bird.
About the Arapaoa Kiwi Trust
The Arapaoa Kiwi Trust is focused on reintroducing kiwi to Arapaoa Island in the Marlborough Sounds (previously known as Arapawa Island). This island, the second largest in the region, holds great significance as a gateway to Marlborough. With a land area of 75km/sqm, the island flanks the northern side of Tory Channel, which is part of the sea route Interislander ferries take between Wellington and Picton.
According to Māori oral tradition, the island was where the great navigator Kupe killed the octopus Te Wheke-a-Muturangi.
Why is this project important?
This kiwi sanctuary initiative is crucial for safeguarding the future of kiwi in the Marlborough region. Stoats, crafty predators that are able to swim to the island from the mainland, pose a severe threat to kiwi populations. Eradicating these predators and maintaining a stoat-free environment on Arapaoa Island for at least three years are essential steps before kiwi can be reintroduced.
How we're helping
Interislander supports the Arapaoa Kiwi Trust by helping to fund the installation and operation of more than 1500 traps and around 100 cameras across Arapaoa Island. These tools are crucial for identifying and eliminating stoats.