Interislander - Cook Strait Ferries

Curious about the Cook Strait?

Find out more about creatures, stories and geological features of New Zealand's Cook Strait.


Pelorus Jack, superhero of the seas

Pelorus Jack was no ordinary dolphin – he was like a guardian angel for ships in the Cook Strait. For 24 years from 1888 to 1912, he swam alongside ships, making sure they didn't get into trouble. Not a single ship sank with Pelorus Jack around! Can you believe it?

But here's where it gets a bit crazy: In 1904, a passenger on a steamship tried to shoot our hero Jack! 😲 Lucky for Pelorus Jack, the passenger missed. Stories say some of the crew were so upset they wanted to throw the gun-carrying passenger overboard! The people in charge realised Jack was too precious to lose so, they made a new law just to protect him. Talk about being a dolphin celebrity!

Pelorus Jack was so awesome that he inspired the logo for Interislander. So, every time you see our logo, remember the incredible dolphin who made the Cook Strait a safer place for everyone. Pelorus Jack, you rock! πŸ¬πŸŒŠπŸ˜„

Interislander decals octopus white

The Great Chase

Māori legend tells the story of how beautiful Aotearoa New Zealand was discovered by Kupe who was fed up with a giant wheke/octopus.

This wheke had a serious appetite for ika/fish, and it was causing Kupe a bit of a problem. So, Kupe hopped in his trusty canoe and set off on a wild chase across the sea, all the way from Hawaiki to catch him. It wasn't an easy journey, but Kupe was determined.

As he sailed, something magical happened. Kupe spotted a long, white cloud on the horizon. You know what that meant? Land was nearby! Kupe was so excited that he gave this newfound land a special name: Aotearoa, which means the "Land of the Long White Cloud."

Kupe's pursuit of the wheke didn't end until they reached a place called Te Moana-o-Raukawa Cook Strait. There, after a fierce battle, Kupe managed to defeat the octopus once and for all. It was quite the showdown!

Now, here's the fun part: some legends say that the Marlborough Sounds, with their intricate shapes of water and land, were formed by the octopus's tentacles. Others claim that the battle between Kupe and the wheke created these stunning landscapes.

No matter how you look at it, Aotearoa New Zealand has a story filled with excitement, adventure, and a giant octopus! So, the next time you visit the beautiful Marlborough Sounds, remember the fantastic tale of Kupe and his adventurous discovery. πŸŒŠπŸ™

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Freedom of the ferries

Meet Aditya Raut, the incredible 11-year-old record-breaker from India! He’s the youngest person to swim the whopping 26 kilometres across the tricky Cook Strait and did it in just nine hours! πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒŠ In 2005 Aditya was the 56th person to complete this ocean swim since records began.

Here's the cool part: Every brave soul who conquers the Cook Strait gets free trips on the Interislander for life! πŸš’βš“ Imagine all the fantastic adventures you could have with that!

So, remember Aditya's amazing story the next time you're near the water. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next young adventurer to make waves and get those free Interislander trips! 🌟🏝️


Illustration of Interislander ferry moving towards the Marlborough Sounds

Ever wondered what a geological sound is?

Ever wondered what a geological sound is? Picture this: it's like an underwater valley.

The Marlborough Sounds were originally river valleys, but Mother Nature decided to use her powerful tectonic forces to submerge the valleys and let the sea rush in to fill them up. And ta-da! That's how you get those steep hillsides that continue right under the water, creating a mind-blowing coastline.

The Marlborough Sounds aren't just one big sound – they're like a trio of rockstar sounds: Tōtaranui Queen Charlotte Sound, Kenepuru Sound, and Te Hoiere Pelorus Sound. They even have a bunch of little buddies, like Mahau Sound and all sorts of inlets and bays to explore. πŸš€β›΅

So, the next time you're out and about in Aotearoa New Zealand, you can impress your friends with your geological sound knowledge. Keep on exploring our awesome planet! πŸŒπŸ€“