At KiwiRail, being sustainable is about ensuring we undertake our business in a way that creates value both for our business and the people and environment we rely on to be successful. This includes future generations and the wider environment.

The highlights...
- KiwiRail focuses on sustaining a zero harm work environment for almost 4,000 employees across New Zealand.
- KiwiRail is the key sponsor of Tracksafe, raising awareness and safety around the rail corridor.
- Our rail network takes large volumes of freight off the roads, making roads safer and significantly reducing New Zealand’s transport CO2 emissions.
- Interislander supports local environmental concerns, such as wilding pine control in the Marlborough Sounds, and providing free travel for Project Jonah’s Marine Mammal Medics to whale strandings.
More information on KiwiRail’s sustainability objectives and initiatives can be found on the KiwiRail website.